JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal

JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


69 entries this month


17:05 Jun 30 2006
Times Read: 760

Why do people feel the need to be involved in such "serious" relationships?

After having been there and done that I can assure you that it is much better to be single, self-sufficient and allow people to enter your life that are 1) worthy and 2) won't be fucking jerk ass friends or worse.

Trust is a difficult commodity to deal in these days. I have found it better not to trust anyone. And I certainly will never offer any kind of truce to anyone who so richly deserves to be villified.




Journal Entry

15:53 Jun 30 2006
Times Read: 770

I was on a freaking "nice streak" last night and offered a truce to someone...



It is WAAAAAAAY too much fun to humiliate that fuckhead.

Long live biting, cruel satire.

(do have to admit he was too smart to fall for my psych...good for the ag - he's learning!!)




00:34 Jun 30 2006
Times Read: 795

Hmmmm...maybe I should revise my "most likely to be found naked in a tent with" to:

Yes....I think I will. Grrrrrr!!!!

This has to be the hottest man alive today...




17:22 Jun 28 2006
Times Read: 808

You know that cloning dude on South Park? The one who seems sort of like a weird Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now science fruitcake genius person?

I wish he would make Ass Goblin a clone with four assholes like his other "creations".

I think four assholes is about right for the AG.




Journal Entry

15:41 Jun 28 2006
Times Read: 811

To change or not to change my avatar? I have debated it - but of course I am not very photogenic and terribly, hideously ugly. Stalkers and psycho bitches are not known for their stellar good looks.*

I truly wish that ass goblin would disappear and maybe I can fuck with his head even more if I change my avatar to his picture...ha ha ha!!!

Can you imagine, gentle reader, ass goblin's confusion were he to see his smugly face twice in a row!!! He would think he had been cloned and would probably die from the orgasm of ecstasy thinking that there was another of him to pretend to be as cool as he thinks he is (we all know he sucks - but let's humor him shall we?)....

But just......nah - I wouldn't want to be that ugly ever.

that would just be Creepy...

*all statements are false and stated herein for comedic value (if any) I am gorgeous, sweet and smart - unlike the depiction of me in a certain fuckhead's journal.




15:26 Jun 28 2006
Times Read: 813

See, we have meterorites in South Park...

...too bad one doesn't fall on the two-timing, self-important ASS GOBLIN.




17:39 Jun 27 2006
Times Read: 840

This is in response to Ass Goblin's latest feeble attempt at something interesting...

I really needed to know about some stupid male human idiotic stunt movie. That is truly something I wish to waste money on...NOT.

I think my money is better spent buying a window wash from a homeless guy at an intersection.





07:52 Jun 27 2006
Times Read: 846




The Rating System here SUCKS

19:53 Jun 24 2006
Times Read: 885

Okay, I have kept silent about this shit long enough.

I think the rating system here has issues. How can I get dozens of "10" marks in a row from HIGH LEVEL MEMBERS and NOTHING CHANGES? But let ONE FUCKING ASSHOLE WHELP come along and give me a 9 (which is a decent rating and I am NOT complaining about that)...let ONE WHELP rate me a 9 I say, and my overall score drops down?


I have garnered that the overall score takes time to rise or fall based on HOW MANY times one is rated - I get it...but to have one of the lowest level members able to affect a score that quickly with ONE RATE after a dozen 10's from level 10 and above?

Something smells rotten to me.




Journal Entry

19:43 Jun 24 2006
Times Read: 887

I think the quality of the forum is getting better. The new dominars are competent and don't RIA threads haphazardly.

However, there are the newbies and the few, the dumb and the witless out there still creating idiotic threads so this one is for them:

(Oh yeah - and for the Ass Goblin also who is, after all, a fucking idiot retard, living at mums, jobless fuckwad in his mid thirties)




03:17 Jun 24 2006
Times Read: 895

Maybe I should forgive Ass Goblin and invite him to come to Colorado for a visit.

Oh, I am sure he would fit in perfectly in South Park, which is after all a real place in the mountains in Colorado.




No One CARES Ass Goblin

18:25 Jun 22 2006
Times Read: 930


Now go away.

You suck Ass Goblin.




You know that old saying...

17:17 Jun 21 2006
Times Read: 966

...keep your friends close but your enemies closer? WELL THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS!

and HERE too!!


EEEEWWWWWWW!!!! In order to deal with this I need massive bong hits.

Gotta Rate, Gotta Rate...




A few of the General Forum posts...

00:59 Jun 21 2006
Times Read: 982

...lead me back to that old saying. "Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one."





22:29 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 989

I can't WAIT until I level up again and pass the ASS GOBLIN!

I HATE being next to him on the Who's Online page and NOW I am next to smugly on the Savant page too GODDAMMIT!

WAH!! I want my mommy....




How can I pass THIS up?

21:15 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 993

Can you believe I WON something?!?!?

And the Bahamas too - I am SOOOOOOOOOO Lucky!

(AS IF!!!)

How do I get this shit anyway?




Journal Entry

17:13 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 1,003

...at least I am not continuously VILLIFIED in a certain ASS GOBLIN'S journal any longer.


But I just bet that the LIES he wrote about me - BOTH TIMES - are still there.

I REFUSE to capitulate or EVER be his acquaintance - until he removes that GARBAGE about me.

So there won't be a "meeting of the minds" between me and LoneSockAndStub until HELL FREEZES OVER (read: NEVER!!!!)

Also - he BETTER not come to the London Meet up and throw a drink on me or try to speak to me or ANYTHING AT ALL - I will castrate him.




03:00 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 1,017

LaMuerte is DA MAN!

Here is one of his recent journal entries which made me LAUGH OUT LOUD - From LaMuerte's Journal:

Aww, I feel special now...

08:44:23 - Jun 12 2006

Times Read: 84

LoneFoxAndCub likes me so much he wrote a bunch of journal entries about me. Little did I know he was so jealous! It must be hard knowing you're never going to be as good at making others feel like shit as I am. Too fucking bad. Prediction: He's going to write another entry about me as soon as he hears about this one. (I smell ENVY!!!)

He busted Ass Goblin!






01:09 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 1,022

Can someone please explain transvestite prostitutes to me?

I just don't get it...




Journal Entry

01:07 Jun 20 2006
Times Read: 1,024

I have to say I find it amusing how ASS GOBLIN hides and lurks. What a DWEEB.

I am STILL Laughing My Ass Off at his stupidity.





Call It Will You Will...

01:59 Jun 18 2006
Times Read: 1,051

You can call it anything you want

but a Rose is a Rose and a thorn is a thorn

Tell me white is black and black is white

You can say anything but that don't make it right

You can tell me that the world is flat

If I didn't know any better, I might go for that

And the sky is falling on my head

I believe the sky is falling on my head

I've been such a fool - don't you agree?

I let you call all the shots for me...

Don't you know how it feels when you've got high ideals?

Call it what you will - but don't call it love.

Don't you call it love in front of me!


I think I'm old enough

I can handle myself when the going gets tough

You don' t have to hide it anymore

Why bother sparing me now when you didn't before?

You can save that line for someone else...

That's you own can of beans and I swear I won't tell -

Now the sky is falling on my head

I believe the sky is falling on my head...

I've been such a fool but don't cry for me

You are the one who needs sympathy.

Tell me how many times can you play the same lines?

Call it what you will - just don't call it love.

Not in front of me...


Now the sky is falling on your head

Oh look out baby now the sky is falling on your head

Yes the sky is falling on your head

I believe the sky is falling on your head...

You've been such a fool - now can you see?

You lost your best opportunity.

You passed up a prize for some pie in the sky...

Call it what you will - just don't call it love.

You can't call it love, call it anything but love.

Don't you call it love in front of me...






20:00 Jun 17 2006
Times Read: 1,061

There used to a commercial on tv with a bulldog dressed up like a little sheriff and he said "Blah, Blah" and ran to his dog food.

I feel very blah blah today.




01:34 Jun 17 2006
Times Read: 1,074

Welcome minamurray

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

28.94 days

Jesus Christ! I have spent like a whole MONTH of my life here dude...bizarre.

Time flies when you're having fun, don't it?




Now You Know...

01:29 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 1,110

...you lost the best thing you could have ever had. You passed up a prize for pie in the sky and treated me like shit for no reason.

Because you are stupid.

And I don't do stupid people, dahling.




A REAL wtf mate!

15:29 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 1,124

Is this fucker mental or just stupid?

How can someone have on their list of don'ts in their profile that they dislike or hate someone who has been diagnosed with an illness in the last 15 years?

Okay, I forgot that he was stupid.

Hitler should have been so lucky as to have people around him that had never been ill.

What a fucking ass goblin.





06:00 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 1,137

Just because someone has a talent doesn't make them a nice person.

I feel sorry for any kid that is:

1) used by their parent to further some "Look what a great person I am agenda"

2) raised in the shadow of talent with no personal moral substance behind it


3) given a poor example of what it means to be a kind, considerate person.

Children learn what they live folks.




Purging Ass Goblin

19:48 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 1,157

I truly don't hate the ass goblin. I pity him.

What must it be like to live with your parents? I am about to find out again after all these years - but luckily it is only for a month before my trip so that is cool - because my mom wants to spend time helping me get my wardrobe and trunks packed for shipping.

I would really prefer to take a steamer over...and one day I absolutely plan to cross the North Atlantic by sea. It is something I feel compelled to do after the past life memories I have had. Sort of a "purging" if you will of negative bad energies. Sort of like how I feel about the purging of ass goblin.

So as long as ass-goblin stays away from me - we'll be on "truce". I really do feel sorry for his pansywad ass....his demeanor reminds me of this sign:

Crabby-Ass Goblin....




Heh Heh Heh

15:51 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 1,165

I sent this photo to Jason:

and this one:

I think he found them amusing...and he is the only other serious Blue Oyster Cult fan that I have met here.

Khayman is a lucky lady! Jason is cute and nice with great taste in music!




Why Don't They RATE?

15:45 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 1,166

I am totally baffled as to why lots of members view my profile and portfolio but don't rate it. Maybe they are being kind because they think my pages suck? W/E!?!

It is frustrating!

And also, when there is a post in "Mascara" for people to look at said profile, portfolio etc...why do people say "I will look?" and then DON'T? I am SOOOOOO tempted to reply with "YOU POST WHORE! YOU DIDN'T LOOK AT ALL ASS!"

But I am too lazy to care...besides it is better to send them a Private message that you notice they didn't bother.

The nerve of some dweebfucks.




Journal Entry

00:51 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 1,184

The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I think I have forgotten it some lately...

I didn't forget it FIRST though!!!

and STILL...How DARE he be so nasty to me for no reason?

Ass goblin...




Journal Entry

23:45 Jun 13 2006
Times Read: 1,194

You know something? None of this would have happened if a certain person hadn't mentioned me by name in his journal.

That really pissed me off.


Edit: and now that I think about it - why did he get so pissed off at me anyway? For chrissakes I just deleted him from friends and journals. BFD! He never even added me to his! So why get so upset if I dropped him? It's not like a sent him a nasty message or harrassed him or anything. I just deleted him - completely. If he read my journal and got upset - that is his problem...but to attack me so openly by mentioning my name - nope - can't forget or fogive that.

Control issues, anyone?


Now I just don't care.

I want a cease fire - because frankly, I despise the jerk and I am sure he knows it by now. If he doesn't he is a fucking idiot...err...he's a fucking idiot anyway - but you get my drift, gentle reader.

I am superior to that fuckwad in almost every conceivable way....(okay - I royally suck at drawing but not much else) especially in that I actually give a good goddamn about other people and their feelings.

He wouldn't know how to be kind if he took lessons.




Change of Habit

21:49 Jun 13 2006
Times Read: 1,205

I had been rating people from the "Who's Online" page.

However, I cannot STAND seeing that smugly face - so I am going to change the way I rate folks and avoid that page.

I really DESPISE this guy! I NEVER want to see his lying, arrogant, ugly face again.

And how does one rate stuff by alaphbetical order? I still haven't figured that out yet!

And further - just EEEEEWWWWWWW! I have to have my avatar next to his a lot of the time because we are close in status...he makes me want to puke - really.




Just YUCK!

17:04 Jun 13 2006
Times Read: 1,219

One of the things I think is yuckkiest in the world is a public toilet (except for some reason airports aren't so bad...hmmmm).

What I really hate is going into a public toilet after someone has err...done their doody.


MATCHES SHOULD BE HARD WIRED TO THE WALLS! I mean where is the air freshener? Eeeewwwwwwwwww!




Journal Entry

17:03 Jun 12 2006
Times Read: 1,270


I made a new adverb!

CLOSETLY (to be in the closet. Like Ass Goblin.)

See below entry for its proper usage and feel free to start using it daily.

Try using the adverb "closetly" in at least one sentence today.

See? I really will make a great professor!





Even Hitler had supporters...

15:06 Jun 12 2006
Times Read: 1,287

Guess I should have seen this coming:


Rating: 1

Comment: You are nuts!

Date: 01:35:17 - Jun 12 2006

Feel free to go rate old "EatAnASS" for yourself if you like.

At least he uses ASS in his name. A fitting summary of ass goblin's daily habits - why doesn't he just admit he is closetly gay?




Further thoughts

14:50 Jun 12 2006
Times Read: 1,296


Still I should have been clearer in my last entry.

I don't mind if anyone needs to talk to me about ass goblin and please do ABSOLUTELY tell me if he is up to his old shenanigans.

I just wanted to indicate that I am sick of him and would like to focus my journal entries on something else from now on.

I seem to have picked up quite a few readers and don't think they will want to read about ass goblin shenanigans all the time.

Sorry if I sounded harsh - I am just so sick of thinking about the jerk! How many more women will he treat like crap before someone sees he is pathological?

I absolutely want to ensure that he remains well-known on this site as the predator and jerkwad we all know he is - and if my journal is the best place to expose him - so be it.




IT'S OVER - So please let me move on people!

02:38 Jun 12 2006
Times Read: 1,315

It is so over for me with ass goblin. C'mon gentle readers, fun is fun...but I prefer to have my fun by laughing with people not at people.

Enough is enough with the messages about it and everything. I love you all and totally understand how hurt some of you are by his insensitivity and callous, selfish behavior...

but you see there is one problem....


No offense to anyone that needs a shoulder to cry on when he is acting like LoneThought, but I am tired of even thinking about this suckwad excuse for a man.

So I want to say that unless he starts engaging in further reprehensible and reproachable behavior, and as long as he stays FAR away from me, I really don't want to write about him here anymore. Or talk about it in messages or IM's. Enough is enough for me and this guy sucks soooooo bad that I would rather not waste any more of my already valuable time thinking about this asswipe - much less typing about him!

He is beneath my notice honestly. So unless he is being his royal "heinousness" again - I don't want to even hear about the fucking loser.

Thanks :)





Journal Entry

07:42 Jun 11 2006
Times Read: 1,341


You're very welcome! :D

It was SO earned and deserved ass goblin!

And thank YOU for being a fucktard reject. I so appreciate men that have no balls or backbone and use women like objects.

Yep - you deserve all the venom I can muster. And since you are such a snake it shouldn't bother you anyway LoneWit.

And as for naming the women that have come forth to let me know about your selfish, churlish, preening ways - you must be dreaming!

I will not break their confidence. Go ahead and TRY to make me look bad - YOU are the one who looks bad to TOO MANY girls on this site!

The ones you have suckered will find out soon enough what a jerk you are. In the meantime, I know and I despise you. So do a lot of other women here...





Journal Entry

20:38 Jun 10 2006
Times Read: 1,389

I have the first lines of "Send in the Hounds" ready:

Isn't it Strange

Isn't it Sad

Caught in your Nasty Lies

You suck so bad...

Where are the Hounds

Send in the Hounds

(Remember - this is to the tune of "Send in the Clowns")




Journal Entry

01:37 Jun 10 2006
Times Read: 1,421

Day 5 of the standoff.

I think I have scared the fox into the brush. Gotta send in the hounds now.

I should write some lyrics about this to the tune of "Send in the Clowns" only call it "Send in the Hounds."

There ought to be Hounds.

Hounds thrive on Ass Goblin fox meat...




Still at it!

00:50 Jun 09 2006
Times Read: 1,464

CAN YOU BELIEVE HE IS TRYING TO SCAM ANOTHER WOMAN HERE? Sheesh - this guy is insufferable. LADIES - Wake Up! This guy is a soul mangler!

C'mon he is on a Vampire site and they aren't all nice men here.



heh heh heh

I like to spank Jackasses is why!




Me = Jedi; Ass Goblin = Bantha PooDoo

09:41 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 1,488

I am pissed that ass goblin called me a stalker!! At least I fight for the good guys and not the ass goblins like his twin* here:

*Outer appearance may vary, but inner conniving, egoism and evil are the same.



I have decided that he needs to be eaten by a Rancor....




How Much?

07:28 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 1,492

How much does kindness cost someone?

What does it take to get through someone's head the meaning of friendship, fidelity, brotherhood, camaraderie and trust? When one gives kindness, does it really spread? I saw an insurance company commercial showing how random acts of kindness spread. Why do we see these images and yet in daily life we constantly run into insufferable assholes that think nothing of furthering their own agenda at the price of someone else?

Not only have I and other kind and beautiful women been hurt by a thoughtless cad's remarks and actions, but also we have been because of our very womanly sensitive natures, brutalized by a monkey of a man who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

How does a man become that shallow and pitiful? Does it make him feel better to tell women he "likes" that I am a stalker? What purpose does that serve? I only tried to be friends, to be kind, to make him laugh and show him that he was a decent fellow. What does it cost to be kind in return?

Some simply cannot return kindness - the very idea of simply being kind is anathema to them.




Vampire RAVE reviews!

02:30 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 1,520

Just a sample of the responses I have received to my rebuttal:


Power to you girrrl!! I read your Journal and the bit about, RUSSELL Aka.. Asshole. He WILL be getting his karma. Be strong.. I am not sure if he will be here for much longer.



*bows* that was awesome!


A sharp set of claws. He will be fuming.



All your entries were great!! AL Bundy.....LOL......That was great too!!!



i have read your journal rant and i am sorry to hear.

well, you have to be aware that on here even the most seemingly decent people are nothing but fakes, manipulators, players etc.


FUCK HIM... you give so much to our house, you brightness, laughter- don't you fret. You are not alone with being "DUPED".

Don't let it allow you to close your feelings off! You deserve what you put into it, and you WILL find someone who will match that.


Don't forget that karma is a bitch he will get his.

Whether it be from you or life.

He deserves a lot of things however I wouldn't wish him death...perhaps castration...


Oohhh girl you so rock!

I am so glad you did that, I hope he and others read that, and know they ppl shouldn't be such assholes to others, because retribution via Mina

will come down on their asses.

Hugs..you go girl..


MY goodness girl good for you. *claps* wish i could have seen or see his face when he reads it.


Cheryl? Whoever this man is, forgive my French but as a male of 'code' I say he's a sack of shit. DO NOT leave the site for this worthless turdball, after all the valuable and valid work you've done on your excellent profile?

No WAY! you are not the first and won't be the last, Cheryl - hold on tight, stay, you are NOT humilated, as he has humiliated himself, by showing up as a very 'poor specimin male', ok? I and others like me look down on the likes of him...He'll get his. they always do!


That was a good-ass journal entry. If you only knew how much I can relate.


There are many more - but these are some I just picked to share.

It makes me feel great to know that I have a lot of friends here who GET IT.





21:41 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 1,547

Where are YOU-oooo-oooo-ooo?

I think you are a sad sack for lurking and you KNOW that no one believes your lies about me, don't cha?

Betcha you're spending time here now:


There you are 18 and a woman. I knew you were an ass goblin!

Pansy ass fuckwad.

Chichas - If he will lie on that above site and lie to other women on this site - he WILL lie to you. Don't think anything YOU do will change him. I am old enough to know that is a fool's dream. Men don't change for women.

EDIT: Yes - nothing has changed there - and he is showing that smugly face all the time on VR now. I have gotten past the retching stage - sort of like how Dr. Treeves and the hospital staff got past the hideousness of the Elephant Man - - - eventually. What sucks though is that the EleMan was cool and beautiful on the inside but looked like shit on the outside. The reverse is true for ass goblin.




The Pre Menopausal Asshole Rebuttal

02:14 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 1,646

Indeed, I was a pain in the ass - or so I thought of myself thanks to you and how rude you are. I am not used to chatting with supposed gentlemen on the Internet in a forum such as VR offers and getting the “Rules of Engagement" on day one. Yes, there was an instance with a younger member who messaged me that got a bit out of hand. We had a few words over a misunderstanding, true. He blocked me and I blocked him, we unblocked each other, made nice and he left and that was the only person at VR that I had an issue with until your hoity-toity “Look at how fucking great I think I am” ass showed up.

I messaged you first, yeah – because you looked good at the time.

I am shallow and I admit it.

Still, you seemed to have no problem wanting to IM me that first time; we had a nice chat it seemed and then…SILENCE. NOTHING.

You left me with the impression that you liked me (as a friend – remember that I want nothing from you, ass) and I was totally bewildered by your lack of consideration or friendliness after what seemed a nice beginning to an INTERNET friendship. I bombarded your mailbox (as you put it) with about 10 messages over, let's see, five days to ascertain what was up. I asked in every way I knew how to try and figure out what happened. You, being the arrogant prick that you are, were rude and hostile in replying. Why? Because I annoyed you? Be glad, asshead, that my brothers aren’t the Mafia. THEY would annoy you beyond belief in ways that would physically hurt I'm sure. How annoying is the Internet now?

INSTEAD OF BEING A TOTAL NIMROD a simple return message after the initial chat saying, “You are a great girl – good luck meeting someone special. See you around the Rave.” would have been more than nice – and thoughtful too. But you aren’t thoughtful and you aren’t nice. In fact Russell, you are a LIAR and a mean person. You muddle things to make them appear the way you want them to be in your twisted mind.

This is Russell's "I am so Pretty" mirror

You are so witty and clever, aren’t you? Sorry to tell you this – but you aren’t. CAUGHT in the fabrication of who you are by a master at exposing men's weaknesses is what you are. It may not be that you “liked” me – and who fucking cares whether you did or not? I liked you and respected you and that was enough for me to try to be your friend. Does the concept of friendship escape your puerile brain? I think it does you fuckwit.

You say that I apologized and we “made up.” This is true, though you had me convinced that I was human garbage because the oh-so wonderful YOU deigned to notice me then not talk to me. What a stuck-up fucktwat you are. Get over yourself, honestly.

At that time, I did want to apologize because in my anger at your lack of consideration I did say some rude things and send you messages to your e-mail. That was crossing a boundary and I was wrong – so I apologized. I own my mistakes. Then we sort-of resumed a half-assed friendship with me in the head of the donkey suit and you being the rear. It was only “Half-assed” as I am the only person who truly showed up to be friends. You hardly showed at all.


A BIG Lie:

He makes it seem he is a successful Londoner involved in the glamorous world of comic art.


Mr. "I am so pretty and better than you" is just a lonely, FAKE, living with his parents at 33 schmo...

Say it with me ladies: LA-HOOOOOOS-ER!!!

- and you do realize that the above means he is probably very selfish in bed because he sure is out of it...we like to think of this as "DEAD FISH".


Err...where was I ...oh yeah - the rebuttal to the journal entry that started the internetary war:


I didn’t snap at you because of any other reason than I was very sick with walking pneumonia (which I still have at the moment – the meds I take are ANTIBIOTICS, not enough to mess me up…). I never blamed my upsetedness on MEDS.


“I think my feelings are hurt that you haven't even hoped that I get well.

If this is all a misunderstanding - my bad.

But I have pneumonia.

To me that deserves a bit more than a telling off for waiting 20 minutes for a response to a question. My feelings aren't going to be hurt by someone saying - no I can't do that - but good luck. But they are hurt when someone that I like and consider a friend doesn't appear to care about me at all.

I thought you should know how the response made me feel. Please don't be mean to me anymore- at least not right now. It hurts me to even breathe. I don't need to cry anymore, too.

I need my friends to be supportive and kind - especially while I am sick - not blast me.

Thanks for reading this.



So there fucklips – WHERE do I mention my meds making me upset? DO I NOT STATE IN BLACK AND WHITE THAT:

“I think my feelings are hurt that you haven't even hoped that I get well.”?

Where does it mention my meds making me upset?

YOU made me upset!


As for the tits shot – well folks here it is:

What can I say…I was flirting with him. And is this picture TITS or CLEAVAGE?

Classy, Sassy or Trashy?

I choose sassy – that fits. But I am not trashy and as for being classy – a moron knows that classy people do some of the most uncouth things in private – but then Russell isn't classy so how would he know? Of course I mentioned a pearl necklace in a PRIVATE message that I sent later which he bandied about for no reason except to try and be nasty to and about me. In fact in the e-mail with the picture I mentioned my size and compared it to Jessica Simpson (she loses). LONEWIT LIED AGAIN.

I found out yesterday morning that his holiness the LoneFuckup had been meeting up with other women. It isn’t my place to tell him what to do nor did I! I simply deleted him from my messages, friends, journal and blocked him. NO messages, no e-mails, no nothing anywhere except MY journal which after all is MY journal and I can write what I want there, correct? Oh yes, and I did tell my housemates that there was no point in ribbing me about him any longer – the point was moot. If he doesn't like it - he should go back to his profile and read his OWN RULES about how he doesn't give a shit and no one else does either when someone leaves. I took him at his word and left without saying a word.

Then he goes and talks shit about me in his journal - whatev...

HEY READERS??? Does anyone have an enema for LoneTurd?

IMAGINE my chagrin, if you will when late last night I received a message from someone (who will remain anonymous at her request) stating that he had made her feel special and then booted her in the same manner (just quit responding) this past fall!? She was SO humiliated by his treatment that she said NOTHING…did NOTHING. (Russell LOVES to HUMILIATE women - I see a need for some psychotherapy, Russell.) And there are two other girls who messaged me too to let me know about him and his ways and they are all GLAD that I have enough womanly kahunas to tell it like it is (EDIT: We are now up to 17 women that he has exploited somehow):


YOU SUCK and we KNOW about you.

As for me saying anything to you about Jon, I have talked with him and he knows the truth and that I had a thought once to like you…I have no reason to lie to him and I never lied to you...but you can dream on because I will NEVER meet you now ass goblin.

As for anyone rating you a six and a one - yep, it was my friend and downstairs neighbor who has no PC - she created her account not too long ago as a friend of mine and doesn't really know what to think of this place. We had a big laugh about you over coffee this am and she wanted to re-rate you and hates womanizers - her ex is one. Talk to her as this is so NOT MY PROBLEM, LoneBALL.

You see, I was taught to tell the truth. To demand and expect truth and I have TONS of courage. You will not beat me down. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere.

I am the one going to a foreign graduate school asswipe – what have you done? Oh yeah your cute kid – and he is. I have already been there and done that – good luck doing HALF as good a job as I have done BY MYSELF you numbskull. Oh yeah, and you draw pictures...well don't we have a Nobel Prize Winner here.

You have shit for brains in my opinion.


Looks and money aren’t everything, LoneNarcisscist. In fact you seem rather petty, duplicitous and shallow upon deeper consideration.

"You, sir, are a CAD."




An entry from last month that I deleted in an effort to be non-hostile. FUCK THAT!

01:21 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 1,649

Seems one of my so-called "friendships" here is completely one-sided.

I told this person I was sick and what do they do - what do they say? NOTHING. Not a "hope you feel better,” "Hope you die" - Nothing...

But when I asked a harmless question - received no response and then sent a message saying that I was sorry to annoy them - I got my ass BLASTED in return.

The arrogant fuck.

Why am I surprised? I am not really - just hurt that I once again allowed someone else's bullshit self to affect me and my feelings. Does this ass think that they are the only person who has ever been burned or hurt? Believe me - what this douche bag has been through in their pointless life is nothing compared to what I have had to suffer through. At least the fuck still has both the parents and a lovely child. My father was murdered when I was eight. One of my children was stillborn and the other has a father who slept around while I was pregnant so my daughter's brother is 4 MONTHS younger than she is. Plus my ex-husband tried to kill me on more than one occasion.

Guess that goes to show me how much my feelings, my life - hell - me as a person - means to this twat.

Good Riddance. I am not wasting my time or energy on someone so completely in love with themselves that they lose sight of human decency, consideration, or kindness.




Contented Sigh...

00:09 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 1,655



Jun 06 2006


Block User



Move to Saved

Email to Self

sorry Babe i can't speak tonight. _____ has taken over the computer. But another time beautiful.



Isn't this guy amazing? Girls, you agree with me I know. I mean he messaged me to let me know he can't chat tonight...

Say it with me...."awwwww." He really cares about me and how I feel and that means more than some dimestore drawings or "see how cool I am with my theme music" anyday.

Jon - a true heart of gold -




Someone has the "Lurksies"

22:00 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,661


Someone is sad and so they are lurking.

What are you afraid of if I am such a lying ass?





18:10 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,688

Welcome to BLOCKHEADVILLE - population ASSHOLE. Who blocked who first fuckwit?

Someone go bitch slap this ass - he needs a serious wake up call that he can't treat women like objects. No wonder he is single.

And I would never talk smack about Jon. He is a sweetheart. The other one is the psycho.




I am NOT the only one

18:04 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,690

And, I have been messaged by several other women who have been exploited by this fuckwit.

So he has to be stopped. Simple as that.

I can stand him telling lies about me - his perspective is twisted with the lens of "how many women can I screw?"...but I am not going to take this lying down.





17:58 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,693


I did not leave that comment with my picture! That came later in a message. And in all defense - my breasts were COVERED! What an womanizing asshole. He's just mad cause he got CAUGHT.





17:26 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,701


I am not DUMB - far from it. Yep - do some damage control you fucking womanizer.




The Retribution is Coming

17:23 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,703

Can you give me a HELL YEAH?

Oh yeah...when I get home tonight it is all gonna be told. All of it.

I paint myself in no "I'm better than you" light - nope- I will TELL THE TRUTH and hopefully that will make a difference.




Possibly an arrogant statement - but wtf

16:38 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,708

I am #1.

The rest are #2 or lower.






06:40 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,743

Does anyone realize how long it takes to load the goddamn "Saved" messages?

I swear I could have showered and done my nails while waiting for it to load. Heh!

At any rate a certain notorious personage had sent me 80 messages that I had saved - not to mention all the ones that were deleted.

Gee that sure freed up a lot of space in my saved messages folder.

Leaves me room for a dreamy Orly twin to send me even more bites, nice messages and general stuff. That one truly is a real hero...nice and kind and good with weapons. Gotta love a man who knows how to handle a broadsword, sticks up for me and can scare the crap out of pansy ass fuckwits who try to fuck with Mina's head.




Separated at Birth?

02:11 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,767

I think Jon looks hella like Orly personally!

Sexy? OH YEAH!




Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days are Stones.

00:29 Jun 06 2006
Times Read: 1,762

Today was an amalgamated concrete mix that had been pulverized into microcosms then shat upon.

Hoping that it will be compressed in that shit really quickly into a diamond.




And a big MEH was heard round VR...

19:08 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 1,788


So he's fucking some other broad and couldn't just tell me - Hey, I like so and so.

He's been deleted. I mean it is so meh.

What a lame ass.





18:32 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 1,794

My hopes are dashed.

Even I "The Great One", the "Michael Jordan of College" am suckered from time to time.

I am not very competitive so say "audieu" (and such fucking GOOD RIDDANCE!!) to a certain asswipe bastard. And now, upon hearing from some others I was wise indeed to "DUMP THE CHUMP!" Heh!

He won't miss me anyway. I am far too smart for him - that's why he quit playing with me ages ago - probably could tell straight off that I wasn't a fuckwit enough for him. The bung hole....or as some other friends have said "the assgoblin" (Beavis and Butthead rule!).

Guess I will have to stick to looking for a meeting with (or his delightful separated at birth twin!).

Ah that is better! Now I feel cheered up - to hell with the douche bag.

I appreciate honesty...some people don't know what that means though.




Raving Lunatic #1

17:36 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 1,795

Man there is someone here who just reminds me of Superman...

and makes me feel like Lois Lane.

Time to unveil a new comic - starring my NEW AND IMPROVED VR Hero as the Superhero and me as the Raving Lunatic.




Doom and Gloom

16:19 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 1,800

Death death death death death; death death death, death death death death death.

Death death death. Death death death death death death death death death death...

broken heart.....

Death death death. Death death death death death death death death death death. Death, "death death death death death." Death death death death...

and then the sun blew up.

The End.




These are the Actors that I find most attractive at the moment -

22:10 Jun 04 2006
Times Read: 1,819

...but this list has survived intact the longest I think - since I dropped Mel Gibson when he got a bit long in the tooth.

Shallow and sort of masturbatory to put it here - but who fucking cares? It is MY journal - not yours!


Hugh Jackman can be Van Helsing to my Mina Murray anytime.

Viggo Mortenson - A personal favorite since "Portrait of a Lady" which was an absolutely dreadful movie to be honest.

Sean Bean....so urbane and hot. I would date the guy...at least once - heh.

Orlando Bloom - a tad young but I can teach a young guy a lot of great things and I am older and wiser which makes me a lot easier to be around. I am self-assured & confident enough to be honest but gracious and wise enough to learn from you too. I have my own interests and keep myself amused - less of a drag to a younger guy. Not some needy chica but a woman who likes to have a great time and lots of sexy sex!! Amen for the Sexy Sex!

And I still look faboo - you'll see.

Brian McCardie - a Scottish actor I think rocks. I wouldn't mind wrapping his kilt around my cold legs at night...let me put it that way.

Ewan McGregor whom I personally think is one HOT Scot! And he was Obi Wan Kenobi...the character behind the inspiration for my Star Wars name of Jaren Kenobi which I have had since I was 13.

And here is the guy I would most likely be found naked in a tent with if he wasn't married...

Mr. Depp...oh yes...such a divine hippie man like this can read stories to me in bed and tickle me and make me laugh all day long and I won't ever ever complain about a thing...


BooYah! Let's hear it for the boys and don't I have great taste in men!

Oh yeah - I do...




I am feeling so MEH I am starting to Twitch!

20:41 Jun 04 2006
Times Read: 1,825

So I am sick of it already today and have stuff to do.

Gotta go folks...see y'all later.




Latest Joke!

05:41 Jun 04 2006
Times Read: 1,839

What is better than being in the Special Olympics?

Not being retarded is better.




Loads of things to do...

20:02 Jun 03 2006
Times Read: 1,842

So the dealio-yo is that I am about 8 weeks from leaving this god-awful!! apartment that I have been living in (see my portfolio for some pictures I just added of my old place that I miss) I moved out of a gorgeous house that I had in Centennial while Lauren was going to high school and for the summer after she graduated. At least I provided her with that home during those years - gorgeous yards, lilacs, hard wood floors, and all ours. It was awesome.

And then I had to go and change it all up and it's those restless hearts that never mend. Time changes everything and what I do matters about as much as a grain of pollen in some pespectives.

So I am over a year out now from that first day I decided to go to Scotland for grad school.


Looking for adventure at my "age"?

But tell me something: What better age is there then?

I have no real ties nor do I want any "permanent ties". I don't trust anyone enough for that honestly. But I dearly love my friends.

I grew up in the military and since my mother just kept moving after my dad died - I went to over 8 schools from the ages of 11 - 17. Fun.

I am used to being the New Kid in Town....and I know how to DEAL in all situations. The instinct for survival is strong in my soul, comrades.

But I have lived here 10 years now unbelievably...and I really am not too fond of Denver. Never have been. But I am FAR less fond of Boulder. I do like Wyoming though...you can get away from EVERYONE there. I have gone places and seen no other people until I came down from the hills up there. I really enjoy solitude. Call me a freak - I want nothing from you anyway.

So now I have to pack everything and sort things and holy shit!!! But I am GOING TO HAVE FUN!

Oh yes...I am going to enjoy the rest of my life. If I have no money - who cares? I want to live!




I Am Just not WITTY ENOUGH for some fuckwits.

19:50 Jun 01 2006
Times Read: 1,872

Certain people here ignore me unless I send them "witty" messages.

You know something? These people bore me to death now. Sahahria's right, they wouldn't last a day in my presence - I would be sick of being around them and their immature sense of what makes someone worth knowing within twenty minutes. Hell, it took me two months to get annoyed and bored with them here - but then this is the Internet where one shouldn't assume anything so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Now, however, there is no "doubt" in my mind that they are in serious need of an enema.

To be "ignored" for not being witty is stupid. If that is the price for admission into "their" club then fuck them.

I am tired of feeling like a puppet on a string to get some asshole's attention - if they don't like me for me - then, in my opinion, they are the life loser.

Good looks and supposed "good taste" are all well and good - but being kind and liking people no matter what is just a bit more important than witty repartee. EDIT: And being HONEST counts a lot too.

I am far too cool for them anyway - my taste and mind are superior to them at all times- fuckheads.




This cat reminds me of Daire...

01:54 Jun 01 2006
Times Read: 830

I have no idea why but he does...no it ISN'T because the cat is fat - it's something about the eyes - the dead staring eyes - MAKE THEM STOP!!!




Now I remember why I like WAR....

01:10 Jun 01 2006
Times Read: 835

Because they make fucking awesome music!

Stuff that reminds me of my childhood - before the shit that sucks all happened to me (well except my dad getting killed) - is the best.

I love The Cisco Kid song...it is so much better than a lot of the shit that is out there today.



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